Friday, October 29, 2010

Halloween 2010

Exhausted. My family is exhausted today. We had such an exciting evening last night that we are all dragging today. What did we do that was so much fun? We went trick or treating! Yup last night was Halloween on 14 Fir street.

In our part of Pennsylvania they celebrate Halloween the Thursday before the 31st. They do it for safety. So the children and the drunks are not on the road at the same time.

Picking out the boys Halloween costumes has become an issue between me and my oldest. I used to always dress them. I would buy the cutest costumes or even make them. They were always adorable. I think that is why the battle begun. 2007 I started a new job and was staying in Virginia. I only came home on the weekends and just did not have time to make costumes. I stopped by Old Navy and bought the boys 2 warm cute costumes I thought they were great.

Evan a little lion suit that look so darling with his natural mane of curly blond hair.


And for Gregory I got him a monkey outfit that even had a bananna in its pocket.


Gregory wore it and did not say anything then. Later he told us how much he HATED the monkey outfit. I mean really hated it. I believe we will be paying for therepy for this one forever.


We bring it up all the time. "Greg what do you want to be this year a monkey?"


Or sometimes we threaten it as a behavior correction method. "Be good or we will dress you like a monkey!"


He knows we still have the outfit. I kinda think he is looking forward to dressing his baby brother like a monkey one day.

After that costume picking out has never been the same. The have never been cute anymore. The year after that they were batman and superman.


The following year they pleaded mom if you let me pick out the costume I will let you pick it out next year. Ah ha!! I had my chance at cute again. So I agreed and they picked out clone wars costumes.



Humm what should they be. I thought about it a lot. So many family scale dress up groups went through my head. But in the end I thought about the two of them and their interest. They love wii and I love them. Enough to let them be the Mario brothers.


I ordered their costumes online in the summer. The package came in early July a day before we left to Williamsburg. They were so happy. They could not wait to wear them and begged from that day forward until last night.

Finally they could be the Mario Brothers!

Gregory - Mario

Evan - Luigi

I did want something that could incorporate their baby too but with Mario Brothers their are just two brothers. But we found this warm and cute skeleton costume for baby. In Mario kart there is a level that I can't pass that has little skeltons so it kinda works. And that is what Smiley became.

Brendan - baby skeleton

Let me tell you putting face paint on a 1 year old was a bad idea. I had as much on me and his clothes as was on his face.

These are not the cute costumes I would have chose but it made them happy and I do think they all look so cute.


Every year we go with a great group of friends. Bless the older ones they always help me out with my young trick or treaters. I really appreciate them. I always love looking at kids in their costumes. It brings such a smile to my face.


My silly 3, my genius 3, actually thought I would let them drive house to house trick or treating! They even told me it was their Mario kart. Nice try kids. You want candy you walk for it.


The kids had a blast! So did I. I loved taking them and I love eating their candy. Shh.


Tuckered out and a little belly aching after all was over we laid back on the couch and watched the classic it's a Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown. What a great night, worth the exhaustion today.

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