Friday, December 31, 2010

Goodbye 2010


Happy New Years Eve! This is such a fun time of year. Gathering late with friends and family to ring it in. You start off a new year with the people who matter most having a great time.


Since joyfully pregnant I will miss the customary, to the holiday not necessarily me, (okay sometime me too)over indulgence. Instead I will be cheering with the kiddos and trying to keep them awake. Just as much fun and not a bad feeling in the morning.


But if I got to celebrate this Lilly collection is how I would have like to do it. Jay said he will get it for me when baby is born. Yeah! My most exciting event planned for 2011.

I am soon headed down to retrieve my older boys from their grandparents. They got to spend a couple of days down there before the weather up here turn bad. So I will be out of bloggy land till next year. Till then Happy New Years to all of you I wish the best in 2011! And I can't wait to read all the best of 2010 and goals for 2011 over the next week.



  1. Happy New Year!! I hope 2011 is full of wonderful blessings for you and your family.

  2. Happy Happy New Year Sweetie!

    Hope your night is wonderful-
    see you next year!

    Cheers & Hugs!

  3. the pic with the hat on your belly is hillarious. Happy New Year. XOXO

  4. You're so funny... I added #5 to my list! XOXO
