Thursday, May 19, 2011

The seeds are starting

Could I have a green thumb this year? Is that possible? Yes or no and I am leaning towards NO our seed we planted have started to sprout. To us it is exciting. It took no time for them to start to sprout.

By day 7 we had noticeable starts.


To big to leave the top on anymore.


They are growing so quick! The peas, cucumbers, and broccoli are really shooting up.

By day 10 everything had starts. The jalapenos and sweet peepers took the longest to come up. But they are doing well now.



With them growing so fast they need to be transplanted. But the ground is far from ready for them.


And it has been such a rainy week I have not been able to get outside. Yesterday there were thunderstorms forcasted for the afternoon but the morning was sunny and warm. This might be my only chance. I grabbed my best helper


and my mother's day hat and headed outside. I don't believe I ever mentioned what the children got me for mothers day. Apparently they are enjoying gardening because they picked out themselves my gifts. Gregory picked out a watering can. He knew the old one was garbage but we had nothing else. Evan got flowers. Whenever I go to the store he reminds me to get flowers to put in the vase he made me. And my hat obsessed Smiley got me a new sun hat. I love it I love them all and they really picked them out on their own.


So into the dirt we dug. We started pulling out weeds and cleared a tiny section. But life pulled us away and that as all that got done. Hopefully soon I got to get these starts in the ground. It has to eventually stop raining.


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