Friday, January 27, 2012

I am glad this boring week is over

This week has been a bunch of nothing.  Do you ever have those weeks?  Where life just goes along pretty boringly.

It would be nice if the weather was warm and we could lounge around outside but it has been a bit cold and rainy.  A bit is an understatement.  We got 2 inches of rain yesterday alone.

Today it is still raining but it is FRIDAY!!  And tomorrow is something we have been waiting for all year.  Icefest.  I love Icefest and their chili cook off competition.  Yum!  Usually it is so cold and snowing Icefest is a quick wonderful time.  Last night the events were canceled because of the rain.  Tonight is the grand ball, I hope to one day go to.  I sure hope tomorrow the weather is better so we can enjoy a warm dry Icefest.

With the weekend on me now and a to do list 3 miles long  I think I will change my boredom/ laziness into productivity.

Or maybe I will put it off a little longer.  Have a great weekend

1 comment:

  1. I'd totally take boring!...if it meant we weren't sick. Again. Yuckiest, germiest winter ever. :(

    Mmmm, chili cookoff. Hope your weather cleared up and you got to enjoy some Icefest and chili!
