Monday, February 25, 2013

Back from Camping

Over the cold snowy Presidents Day weekend the older boys packed up grabbed some friends and went camping.  They were so excited to be going they could have cared less about the snow.  Well at least until they were freezing cold because they did realize how cold it was.  Honestly the snow did not tip you off?  Well I kinda remember doing the same thing as a kid too.  They had a blast.

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I dropped off my little campers for the weekend.

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They packed enough for a week not a weekend.  And my Gregory wore the same socks all weekend!  Ugh I don't understand boys.  But I sure do love them.

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They love going to camp.  They ate well, better than they do here.  They zip lined, go carted, and they loved to play capture the flag,

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No I was not there I got these pictures off the website.

They also had plenty of time to study the Bible.

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Gregory came home with a new understand of Gods narrow streets are made of gold and the devils streets are made of dirt and dust.  He truly got it and I was so proud of him.

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A view from their cabin.

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Smiley missed them SOOOOOO much.  He is really becoming a big boy himself and wants to be with his older brother all the time.  All weekend long he kept asking when were they coming home so I brought him with me when I went to pick them up.

But all thats fun comes to an end.  Evan is sad because he lost his bible.  His brand new $40 bible!

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Smiley and I spent an hour looking for it.  Guess what we found it!!  YAY!  We went back to the boys to give it to Evan and take them home only to have Gregory say did you find mine too?  AGH!! Yes both boys lost there bibles there.  I looked 15 minutes for Gregorys but could not find it.  It is one most kids his age has and probably someone else grabbed it by mistake.  I will get him a new one and get them each the $5 ones that they can take camping

1 comment:

  1. What a seriously fun camp! When I went to church camp as a kid, it was nothing like that. Not even a little bit! I cried the whole time. And the food was yuck. :)
