Tuesday, December 24, 2013

My snowgirl

I took my little snow princess out for what was supposed to be a dentist appointment  the other day however that did not happen.  We arrived 20 minutes early for an appointment not their requested 30 (and by the way they have never seen me in at least 30 minutes AFTER the scheduled time let alone the demanded 30 min prior time!)  I hate that dentist but they are the only one in my county who accepts my pitiful dental insurance, not orthodontic which I have learned the hard way.  I was furious.  So next month I have to go back with the tiny team for her appointment, it will only be a disaster, I am not looking forward to it, it is on the 20th so extra prayers that day please.

I have so many dental stories lately but I am trying to take the hits as they come.  This moth has been dentally bad and the next 2 I have full of dental appointments as well as orthodontic surgeon appointments.  However in 3 out of the 5 kids no cavities! (other 2 are TBD) I will take the praises too.

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This little guy will hold a $10k smile.  It was so crazy at the dentist office I did not get his photo there but at the drive through pizza joint after.  I expected his news of a need for braces.  But I did not expect the news of a tongue threshing problem as well as insurance will not cover either.

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The tiny team was with us that day.  They made it worse.  Much worse.

But after they canceled on us grrr!!! we ran some errands and found some friends of hers.

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It does not really look like it in this picture but she loved the blowup dolls.  She was hugging them and talking to them, very happy but I turned her around to take a picture and she kept turning back around to play with her friends.  There was a nice old man there trying to help and was saying thing to get her to look at me but it only creeped her out which is apparent in her terrified deer in the head light stare.

I tried to do a couple of special things for just her and me the rest of the day and none of them worked out.  The whole day was a flop.  A frustrating waste of gas and time flop.

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But at least I got to spend it with her.  I never realized how rare I take just her out.  She did not know it was a bad day and I am glad.  She just spent time with mom.  And no time with her is bad.  She can have her moments too but oh my what a wonderfully awesome little snowgirl I have here.  I love her.

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We all do!

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