Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Easter Monday

Easter Monday had to be the most beautiful day of the year.  It was gorgeous!  The weather was warm, it did not snow, the sun was shinning and the cherry blossoms are in full bloom.  With such a perfect day we headed downtown to the Nations Capitol.

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Jay and I both had off work so I skipped school and and pulled the kids out of school and took the whole troop to the Smithsonian.

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Our main Smithsonian we wanted to see was the  Museum of Natural History.

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This museum is so incredibly awesome, well all of them are.  Another reason we wanted to go that week was by the end of the week they are closing the dinosaur exhibit for the next 5 years.  Yes five years.  They are doing a complete remodel of it and that is not easy.

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Our kids are not that into dinos but they do like them.  If they did not have the chance to see them now they won't for quite a while.  And Smiley he is having a dinosaur birthday in June so why not get him hyped up now.  They had fun, so much fun.

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Baby kept running up to us and yelling RAAWW!!

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People used to tell me how much these two look a like.  I saw it but as their mom I always thought they look different too.  And the past few years I thought they were really growing their own looks.   However this picture, I do see their close looks but more so I see how much they are growing up.  It is not baby looks but I can see the teen looks developing.  Wipe the tears from my eye!

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one of those two for a throw back Thursday.

It looks like the dinosaur is going to get them!

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My little LOVES!!

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Even though the dinos were cool the boys are into gems, rocks and stones.  So after we saw the dino bones per their request we went to the gems and Hope diamond.

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They loved it here.

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The kids did so good this day.  They were well behaved and such a pleasure!  Well minus the tongue sticking out.

A beautiful day!

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We made our way over to the Air and Space Museam too.

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They had fun there too.  And were able to touch so much more stuff.

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There were all these tepees on the Mall.  Protesting for something and I only know that much cause I saw a stop the pipe or something sign on the ground as we were trying to figure out why they were there.  Rule one of a good protest, let people know the cause.  Oh well the kids had fun running in and out of them.

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Why don't we go down there more often?

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Its close, there is so much to do?

Maybe we will.  We had a great time and it was so worth it when the kids said so too.

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