A word to describe this week best was cold. It snowed substantially a few times leaving the boys with a snow day on Wednesday and a late start to Thursday. I was so thankful to have them home.
January 22
Gregory at his basketball practice.
January 23
We are their biggest influence. Model what you want them to do. Be careful of what they are seeing you make as priorities.
January 24
It was 2 degrees outside! Far to cold for me. I wanted to crawl back into my warm bed but instead I put on my swimsuit and went to the gym.
January 25
Another night swimming and more crazy jumps.
January 26
We got a snow day! All day long the snow fell. I was happy to watch it from the window and the boys were thrilled to play outside.
January 27
I saw this quote and just loved it. I don't know who the author is, in a way it is everyone of us.
January 28
He is our rock star. Actually he is trying to play his guitar like Murry from the Wiggles.
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