Now I love my power point I really do. And I don't want to brag but I kick ass at it. I can make a presentation that would throw yours to the curb. When it come to power point I take my presentations seriously. I work hard, I put a lot of effort into them, I plagiarizer half the graphics the web has to offer. But each time I finish one I am power pointed out! It feels good to close it down and walk away.
I call myself a power point ranger, but only to find out that term is all ready taken.
By other geeks or is it a real military thing?
Either way I am not up to jedi master yet, I need to aspire to more.
Okay kids today I am going to teach you about some nature stuff. No we are not going to go out in the woods there are bugs and animals out there, no I will take you on a virtual tour let me get my laptop.
Awesome on power point. And yes that is on my resume.
1 comment:
I'm sure you're totally a PowerPoint jedi master. :)
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