He started ripping the old shingles off and pulling out the nails while the older boys were still here. It left what they called a stary night inside our home. It was kinda cool.
Everything about this project was kida cool and amazingly fast. Which was good because the storm clouds were cooming in.
The roof was not in good shape.
It was worse than we had thought. The boards were complety rotten. When light touched by a hammer it went right through them. They had to be repaced.
The storm came closer and the skies darkened and the roof was disapeering.
When it was gone it was actually nice. It let a lot of natural light in. Can we maybe talk about skylight?
Oh my.
He was standing through the roof in to the children's school room. I did not get up there but I wonder what I would have seen if I did?
They were able to get the new sheets of wood up there pretty quick.
Then able to get the back under stuff (love my correct terms)on.
It is a good thing because boy did it ever storm. It rained all afternoon and night. Pouring and flooding many places. But everything worked. The inside was dry. And when it stopped they came back and put on the shingles.
It has rained many times since it went up and it still works. It is nice to have it done because then they were able to put up the wall and finish the entry area.
Still an ugly old door. One project at a time.
It looks like its coming along quite nice! Your home seems to be so adorable :)
The starry night was so pretty!
The first one made me remember those nights when my friends and I looked at the starry sky on our rooftop while talking about our day. Also, based on what you've showed us, the contractors were pretty fast to get everything on your roof all patched up!
A night without a roof means a chance for you to enjoy the night sky. Good thing the contractors worked so hard and fast to completely set up your new roof in time before the heavy rains. It’s been a year already, how’s your roof now?
-Kip Whitehead
You’re not the only one who’s in love with skylights. I know they can sometimes leak and look dirty, but still they make any room look pretty. I like how they let natural light come in and illuminate the entire room.
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