Wow today is Christmas.
MERRY CHRISTMAS to all from our family to yours. Does it seem like Christmas? Yes today does. It came so quick but we had a great month of celebrating. Looking back on all the memories made with my family touches my heart. I hope we can hold them all in our minds as well but if we can't a great reason why I have this blog we can look back and get a little help remembering.

Today was very nice. We stayed home, stayed together and played together. Christmas eve Gregory was hoping that Santa would fill the room with presents. Now Santa all ready was not bringing him what he asked for but Santa did fill the room for him. Santa and some very generous neighbors and grandparents.

I could not believe how many gift for the children there were. It was was so much fun to lay them out and getting to be Santa. Luckily the boys can not yet tell Santas writing.
I could not sleep last night I was just as excited as the children. I woke and waited for them to wake up. Gregory was the first up running into our room and said I think Santa has been here. I told him to go down stairs and check then let us know. He raced down the stairs and started cheering. Exactly the response I wanted, I love.
We all got up and went down stair to enjoy all the gifts he had brought. Pajamas on hair undone in was okay. I was not going to stress this year about them in picture perfect matching clothing. We were going to enjoy each other however we may be. And some of the boys are still in there pj's now. They are happy and I am happy too.

Gregory did not get what was on his list. He did not get a DSI, cell phone or Nerf gun. He checked each package and thought many of them would be those items. He mentioned Santa did not bring him what he asked for but he was happy with what he got. And he got so many nice things that he liked. Many great toys that he did not even know he wanted. He has had a great day!
He made my day over and over. Yesterday he gave me and his dad a story book about what he loved about our family, doing with our family and what we do together on Christmas. It was very special. He got bendaros, a clay molding thing, and he made it say I LOVE MOM. He drew a picture of mommy including the baby in her belly. He also got me a number 1 mom necklace. Constantly wanting to play and cuddle with me he is the sweetest son.

Evan had a great day too and scored big on the hot wheels. He started the day off with a smile and a cookie and remained sweet throughout.

This is the first Christmas that meant anything to Smiley. Last year he was just 9 months and adorable. He was a tiny baby who laid there and smiled at us and the lights. This year he could enjoy the festivities. He ate so many cookies and had a big sugar melt down in the afternoon.

He was able to unwrap presents but did not care for that yet. He enjoyed watching us and getting into the things his brothers got. He got many balls and trucks that put a big smile on his face.
I actually did not buy that many presents for the children. For the older ones a little bit more but under seven for Smiley under 5 including Santa's 1 gift. The children received gifts from many others. They were such great toys. Many we had never thought about but are amazed how much the kids love them. They have been playing non stop all day.

They got a huge outside hot dog house but it is so cold out there it snowed all day! They wore me down and I let them put it up inside. It was so cute to watch them play. They made me be there customer many times over.

We did not have a traditional dinner but Christmas tacos. We did not have anyone over just kept it to our family. As the night progressed it was nice not to have the stress of traveling or preparing a big meal but I am hungry and I do miss it.
Christmas was great this year. The whole month was something special. As I look forward to wrapping up the day I am very much looking foward to tomorrow going to church. It will be the Sunday conclusion of the true meaning of Christmas. What a wonderful way to end the holiday to end the year as it is also the last Sunday of the year.
Here are a few pictures of the kids on a train outing with Santa.

They played a minute on the tire swing. They went on like brave little boys and came off like dizzy drunks.

Look at these two boy with excitment all over there face.

It could only be...

He even let Gregory drive the train. It made his day. Worth the freezing temps. It was so cold this day the coffee would not stay warm.

Again Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night. (okay I stole that line)