On the right side I have a sunflower garden. It was never planted this year. I have a lavender garden that pretty much took care of itself but could use weeding tall grass from the lavender. My bedroom is right above the lavender garden and I am often able to smell that relaxing fragrance from my room. I have a rose garden that is over grown. It needs a trim so badly but it has to be fall before that is done.
The front of my house has two spring gardens. What I mean by that is every spring I plant them full of Flowers. Usually with some weeding through and the start of my mums it last through out summer as well. This year I did not planted started flowers. Instead I tried seed packets. I sprinkled the beds full of all sorts of beautiful flower seeds. None of the took? And I did nothing else with the garden this year.
Looking out at the front of my house I am surprised the neighbors did not move. Ugh it just looked so bad, so unkept, so (gasp!!!) ghetto. I have to change that! I want to change it but I do not have a green thumb. So today once I laid the baby down for his nap I headed outside.
Today is not very hot thankfully. There was even a slight breeze. So it wasn't to bad. I started weeding the gardens. First steps first.
On the left side all I have is a big mum, purple cone flower, and a few miniature roses. But now it is weeded out. Next step trim down the existing plants and go from there. The plants in here are so hodge podge. The purple cone plant is a spring plant, and the mum fall, I will see about doing something else.
The right side just has a single extra large mum. A lot of weeds and now a lot of dirt. This mum has got to be cut back. The top is dead due to an early bloom but the base is vibrant and ready for fall. There is room for many possibilities here.
It did not take to long to weed. Even though there were many weed the gardens are not to big. My son let me use his dump truck for the weeding.
So what next for the gardens? I am not really sure. Like I said I do not have a green thumb. Any ideas would be appreciated. I will go to the Amish greenhouses. They have beautiful but expensive flowers. I will go to LOWE'S they have cheap flowers with a return guarantee. That's my kind of gardening.
I have a ton of cute Halloween items for outside and in the gardens. Is it too early for that? With the way I procrastinate maybe I will fall just in time.
Thank goodness I found your blog!! I have a "black" thumb and now know where to go with questions!
Have a fab weekend!! *New follower.
Dont give up on seeds for next year. just start them ahead of time in little veggie or plant holders. I did zinnias from seed in the Spring and it only took three little seeds to give me the hugh crop outfront right now. It is amazing how big they are. I guess you can also use a plastic cup to start them. I put them outside when they are strong enough for wind. Good luck!
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