He is just a bit over six so it was time for his mouth to become a cash cow. He is so happy and got his wallet ready for the tooth fairy to come.
And the part that touched me is how he wanted to celebrate "Mom can I have cool aid in a stem glass?" :) Aw I love that little guy.
Or should I say refined gentleman.
It funny how much the kids are like me. I hope it works out for them!
On a side note in this post as well as the last how do the pictures look to you? Are they cut up funny? That is how it looks at my house. But often when it looks weird here it looks fine on other computers. In these pictures you should be able to see the entire glass Evan is holding. And in the last post they should not look cropped really bad/weird and should all have 4 rounded corners. Just leave me a comment and let me know. I use photobucket to post them and think I will switch to something else if this is happening.
What a big boy! The pictures are a bit short like some have been cut off but usually they look fine to me. Take care!
He is too cute! He looks just like you ;)
We should *all* celebrate every little success or cool happening with Kool-Aid in a stem glass! Black cherry. The world would be a much simpler, happier place. :)
Also god isn't real. Science proves this.
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