For a little over a month I started collecting supplies. Why that long? Because I had to order the bracelets. I looked on ebay and etsy. Esty I found them but they were a lot more expensive and not in the quantity I needed to supply it for both of my boys classes. Ebay I found a packet of 50 for less than $20 including shipping (from Peru). Those were it. And when they came they looked great. Lots of boy and girl colors. I stopped at Michael's and got the rest of the supplies. I got scrap book paper on clearance for 11 cents a 11x16 page. Great deal it was the colors I wanted even printed on the back nicely. I though I scored till I got home and realized my printer can not handle that size. I would have to write out each circle. Ugh I wanted to print it up colorful, neatly and pretty. Oh well, I stopped then a the dollar store and got glitter and fancy pens.
Theses did tend to be a lot of work. So I threw in Amish Grace grabbed two different size cups started tracing circles and cutting them out.
I was done by the end of the movie. It is a good movie, means a little more to me than most just because it is a true story that happened a little over an hour from my house. I would recommend it. If you know the real story they left a lot out. It is okay for your kids to watch with you. I sent mine out of the room because I did not know how much they would show or tell but it was made for tv and they did a good family job.
Now I had 50 circles two different sizes.
Time to bring in the troops. First the boys took the larger circles that were pink striped on one side and blush water marked, very pretty, on the other and wrote out each of there classmates names and signed them .
This was different from the idea I saw on pintrest but I wanted it this way for two reasons. First the boys were suppose to address each valentines envelopes to practice there writing and second it gave them a chance to make it personal and write something to their friends. Well that did not happen. They wrote tiny their friends names and from, not even LOVE, but from them.
Oh well. It is there valentines after all.
While they were writing I started punching holes in the smaller circles. Two on each to sting the bracelets through.
Now that we had the basic form of the valentines we had to decorate, write and put them together. To know the space I had to fit the writing in Evan started applying glitter to them.
What a mess. We got glitter everywhere. They loved it though that was there favorite part.
The next day when the glitter and glue were completely dry I was able to write on them. "Our class would KNOT be the same without you!" How perfect for school. And I snuck in the love with a small heart before their names.
Next we strung the bracelets through the holes and placed a piece of tape holding the bracelet to the bigger circle. It held it all together really well. I wish I had a puncher the fancify the edges of the big circle but sometimes you have to stop and remember these are for lower elementary school kids and they are going to throw them away anyhow.
Ta da done.
We made nice valentines for both there classes. Personal and something they could keep.
I am just not a box valentine kind of mom.
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