You know summer is coming to an end when the annual end of summer events start happening. On the 14th we went to our church's 3 annual End of Summer Party. We have been going for the past three years and it is always a great night of food, fun and fellowship.
Church is so scattered for most people in the summer this gives us all a chance to come back together and connect. In our area there are many many farmers and summer is such a busy time you don't always see them. But when they come back,
They pick your kids up in tractors and bring them to church.
haha my poor country kids, sorta, I think they have a pretty good life growing up out here. It is just far different than the big city.
There were many activities for the kids and so much food.
Is gaga ball popular anywhere else? It is crazy popular out here. My kids have become masters of it. I still don't know the rules. Either way Faith though she was winning and the other kids helped in that sweet story.
Don't feel bad for babycakes here. Yes she is fallen down and her brother is obviously taking pride that he bounced her that way. But she is big enough now she was up and jumping on it as well. It was impossible to drag the tiny team out of here.
They played games, rode rides, made balloon items, all sorts of fun for hours. I wished we could have stayed longer but sadly the night came to an end.
On the bright side it ended in time for us to get home and me put the kids to bed to be able to watch the season premier of Duck Dynasty all by myself!!!! What a treat!
What a great show and fantastic message. We all enjoy it as a family but it was nice to watch it and hear it too.
1 comment:
Our school starts on Monday too. It should be interesting watching us try to get up and get motivated. I think it was 11:30 before I went to bed last night. Definitely NOT good!!!
Can you believe I've never watched Duck Dynasty?
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