How is the renovation coming along? It is not. We have been in a dead stop for a while almost a month. The contractor has not been here in a month. Wait no that is not true. He was here last week to see how far WE came in our part that needed done. He was last here working March 22. I remember because I was in the hospital having Faith. But I don't remember what he was even doing. We were supposed to prim and paint. It is about 90% primed and we could not decide on a paint color. His visit prompted me to run out and just get a color. I hate picking out paint colors. I never like them on the wall. Well I picked a neutral brown.
I think I might just hate this one in the can even. It looks very dark. I am worried.
As far as fixing the roof. It has been such a rainy month he has not been able to work on it. And it is not tarped, don't know why, so not only does it rain out side yup it rains inside too. The buckets we collect the drops in well Smiley loves to dump them!
2. Easter
Well it is now 3 days away and I have so dropped the "egg" this year. I am not much further than I was at 10 days. I did decided to stay here. My parents decided to drop by our church for service and in there words "grab a burger afterwards". Inspired one afternoon I went to good will to look for inexpensive decor. I thought I could quickly throw together a party. Then we would have a delicious spread here not McDonalds. I found a jackpot of egg dyes there. For only .49 cents too! I grabbed for sparkle, marble, toy story and balls for Smiley.
At home I remembered I don't like to color eggs. I like to buy and stuff the plastic ones. And 4 boxes that is going to take a lot of eggs. I don't remember why I don't like coloring eggs but I will re-find out on Friday.
A trip back down memory lane...
My oldest 2 coloring eggs many years ago
While at good will I also picked up this bunny. It reminded me of something my mom had around the house as a kid. I think the boys will like it and for $2 I won't be mad when the break it.
I am still scrambling around trying to figure out Easter. I am hoping to get it all planned and maybe somewhat purchased today. I doubt it though I see a late night Saturday wal mart trip in my future.
3. belts for the boys
Since I was at good will I looked through there belt section to find the right type of belts to make a lego belt for my boys. No luck. I am trying to find kid belts with a flat buckel like this
I can't find them anywhere! Why does it have to be like that? I was reading a blog I like and she had this picture up
My oldest was looking over my shoulder and said MOM I want one of those can you make me one? Sure. They look so easy and I never though it would be this hard to find those belts. The boys are constantly reminding me they don't have there Lego belts yet. Glad they are at school no so they do not see me looking at the pictures of the elusive belt again. You can see the whole post on how to make it over at Crat-O-Maniac She makes lot of cool stuff I have put on my to do list.
All being said nothing will get accomplished if I sit here so I am off. A busy day, a long to do list, and I better get started.
Good luck gathering things and getting ready for Easter!! And for some reason I've never been fond of coloring eggs either! Luckily, they did it at preschool today so I think I can postpone it another year! :)
those belts are adorable! can't believe Easter is just around the corner ... I've been collecting things to fill their baskets for so long & hidden in various places, I'm gonna have a little "hunt" of my own * *
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