Self portraits are never flattering.
She is upstairs resting now. She had 3 shots and is just not feeling well. She never does after going to the doctors. But luckily she has her brother and sister to take care of her.
Smiley says for next Halloween he wants to be a doctor dressed as a rocket, okay.
Faithy kindly waited till after we left the doctors to start throwing up. In the car on the way home, on a guitar inside the DVD case, random spots on the floor, I am scared to feed the child.
As for me not feeling the best either and cleaning up puke never makes it easier I had to help the nurses give Gracie her shots and Smiley grabbed my phone.
We have a few shot of the floor, equipment and his shoes as well but I will spare you that excitement.
I hope you're feeling all better by now. We've been sickly too...all of us but Ryan. Hmph.
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