But then why do I cry so often? I am looking forward to my baby girl but I am scared because I no how this ends.
With a belly so big how can she be small? They are guessing 7.5 pounds. Is that how much a watermelon weighs?
I have been praying. Praying and pacing. Lord please lets her be healthy and perfect. Please let this be an easy and fast delivery with a recovery that follows suite.
Today it hit Jay. He has been moving around all day doing little projects. Moving piles from one side of the house to other places. Organizing, sorting and throwing away. That was me through the whole last week. A nervous, emotional, nesting wreck. Today I feel a peace over me. I am relaxing. I am playing peek a boo.
Now it is your turn baby.
As much as look forward to the baby being here and the pain, the pregnancy being over, I will miss it. But luckily it will be replaced by a sweet, soft, good smelling little baby GIRL!
March 21, 2011
look at that beautiful, round belly ~ u look wonderful :) such a crazy, exciting time * *
I am so excited for you! Praying for a safe, fast, perfect delivery! Take care mama, you look AMAZING!
Eeek! I have been away all weekend and just saw your post. You look AWESOME and I cannot wait to meet her via your blog. Praying for you all :)
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