They are so entertaining to watch.
Waiting, waiting, and DANCE!
He wore that snuggy all day and with his tie I kept telling him he looked like a camo Harry Potter
And then Evan and Faithy joined in. And oh she is the BEST to watch I just love her and her little wiggly butt.
Yea there is a lot of crap on the ground but it was Christmas morning, you should see the rest of the house, well really you shouldn't I am still cleaning up.
I had a pretty bow in her hair that lasted a minute. I dressed her and Smiley the same in Gregory and Evan old shirts. It made me think to boyish so I added the boy plus I love them but she was not having the bow.
Gregory is so funny he says yea mom I got three stars on that one!
That's the best kind of Christmas gift: electronic babysitter :)
So fun! Faith's got some serious moves! And that camo Harry Potter look could totally catch on....
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