Announcing our sweet perfect gift from above:
She did not come early she did not come on her own but she is here and she is healthy. She did come on March 22, a little over 39 weeks.
She was a scheduled induction. I have had 3 of my 4 kids induced, 2 by choice and the first by necessity. It is not the route I like to go. I wish they would all come on there own early. Even though it has been done 3 times I do have my reservation about it. Talk about a sleepless night before. We woke up early and arrived to the hospital by 7 we even parked my to small car in the right parking spot.
Do you see that sign? In front of my 5 passenger 500 that tightly holds 3 kids in car seats and now I have 4 in car seats.
The sign however was proved to be a lier. It was not a 10 minute delivery. It was my longest. I was in labor for over 6 hours. The beginning was bad. Contractions were coming and were becoming painful.
Those were not the big ones but as long as I could hold out to get an epidural. Anyone induced knows it has to be one of the most painful things in life. I wanted to have this baby I wanted it over so I tried to delay the epidural which delays the baby, sometimes. But it was painful and I chose comfort. Unlike my last birth with two failed epidural attempts resulting in a spinal this one worked the first time and was not that bad. I was hooked up to every monitor like something out of a science fiction story.
Jay spent the entire time on his phone.
He tweeted away the entire day. Normally I would not appreciate this but it made him happy, it kept him busy, it kept him from driving me nuts. He posted constantly notes and pictures about how the labor was coming along. I am surprised how many people were following it. It was great for our far away friends and family.
At one point we thought she never was gonna come. My contractions, according to the moniter, got smaller and further apart. Looks like they will have to turn that poticion up again. Jay figured this would be a good time to go get lunch. Shortly after he left the doctor came in to check. She looked down and said where is he? I told her he left and his number is by the phone. Yes I do not know my husbands cell number. We have new phones new numbers and have not learned them yet. So he wrote it down for me. She called and said get back baby is coming.
Yeah! I said I am at 10? She said you are at 10+ the head is coming out. So much for the monitor. He raced back he ran in grabbed my leg and 1 push baby was here.
I am not so sure she is happy about this.
She was perfect, purple but perfect. 10 finger 10 toes and a vagina. Yes it is a girl! A big girl. She weighed in at 8 pounds 6 ounces. Not the 7.5 they thought she would be.
Either way I will gladly take her. But after they clean her up.
I think part of them taking the baby to almost out of sight then is to distract you from all the clean up and pushing on your belly the rest of the L&D team is doing. Ouch.
Whew. Glad its over. But I still look like they left a baby in me.
Oh my goodness she is here.
She is so tiny. Even at 21 and a half inches.
We spend so much time just looking at her. Falling in love.
it is just so easy when she is so cute.
She has the prettiest eyes deep blue. I am entranced when I stare in to them. They are little latches on to your heart.
She has a chubby body that is so kissable!
And these little tiny hands. Smaller than a silver dollar.
She is just amazing. There is such an overwhelming joy that she brings to us. Such a sense of protection. I want to hold her always and keep her happy, safe. I understand the fear of guys coming to her now of her heart being broken. I want to shield this perfect angel and that all is so far off.
I want to play with her and teach her. Dress her and make things for her. I have a daughter now and everything that comes with it.
I am happy. I am praying thanks for her, she is such a blessing. Undeniably a gift from above and forever ours.
OH MY OH MY OH MY! Thats so exciting! A GIRL! Yaaaayyyyy! She is absolutely beautiful!
Congratulations!!! :) She is PERFECT!
She is absolutely beautiful! Congratulations :)
CONGRATULATIONS!!! She is precious! So happy for you all!
Congrats she is beyond beautiful!!!! Welcome to the wonderful world of pink, bows, and ruffles, its amazing :)
Oh my goodness- she IS perfection! Congrats Mama! Little girls are such a blessing :)
I am in tears!!
Faith, I love it! She is precious!
I am so excited for you sweetie.
I wish we lived closer, I'd make you dinner:)
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