I wanted Easter to be everything that it is supposed to be celebrating the Resurrection and having special family time. The kids and I managed to have many special family events spread over those two weeks. But sometimes it was another event in a time of over booked schedules with AWANAS, swimming, too much baseball, fundraisers, work, church and cleaning. I need to learn to slow down.
The kids attended a great Easter Egg Hunt and dyed eggs there but they were looking forward to doing it here too. It is funny they know my distaste for it and kept reminding me of the colors on the floor last year. This year with record warm temps in March and April we were able to head outside to dye the egg. It was still stressful but they had a good time.
Faith looked like she wanted to join in.
But then we gave her a bag...
and she tried to eat it. Typical Faith.
They did great. They only broke 2 of the eggs we dyed and the mess was outside.
They were so proud of their eggs they could point out which one was theirs a week later.
A hard part of this year was the older boys figured out there was no Easter Bunny, it was mom. It was not by friends telling them at school but I had left all the candy in the backseat of the Subarbun and they climed in before me, before I remembered to hide the candy. I was a little sad but it did make it eaiser to shop for the rest of the basket stuff. But because of this I wanted to make it more fun and special for them. I do believe they enjoyed the glow in the dark egg hunt the best.
What a fun time. We all filled these sparkly clear eggs with glowing pieces with much more difficulty and tape than we had imagined. Once filled I hid the first round. They ran around like crazy finding these glowing eggs.
Remember the flower photos we hung them in a tent with icicle lights. It came out so pretty.
It was a glowing oasis the kids played under with their eggs. They also hung art they had made inside the tent.
We watch HOP twice. What a cute movie. It was so good it even made the boys reconsider there newly found reality, and that the Easter Bunny or E.B. is real after all. They were so excitied for Easter to come. And finally the night was upon us. The boys set out traps to catch the pink barrets, form HOP. They were sure they could. I was sure they couldn't. I left piles of jelly beans on the floor to let them know E.B. had been there. (He poops jelly beans)
I dressed the table in less this year than normal.
But with such young babies crawling around pulling everything I was going to stress over them breaking stuff. So i just did not put much out.
The boys picked out this basket for their sister. They bought all the stuff for inside of it. And helped her eat it. Not by her choice they were just faster. So fast I never got a picture of them Easter morning with there baskets. They all ran down grabbed their basket and ran off to have a sugar overload before church.
I dressed my precious children in there Easter Sunday best. They looked darling for 5 minutes. Then they each had candy and breakfast over there clothes. AWWW! Before church. Before I showed them off. Before I got a family picture.
We went to church made it on time and enjoyed ourselves there.
Dirty or not jelly bean covered and all my Easter princess was beautiful.
She enjoyed the candy and the boys had another egg hunt for the candy filled ones E.B. had left them. They all had more fun.
Me I wore a white lace dress with a simple bow and lose long hair. Oh yeah and crocs. I was a little sad I did not get a picture with the kids. I will though. It is supposed to be beautiful and warm this coming Sunday I will pack up the kids redress them and try with out candy.
1 comment:
THE coolest mom - that's you. That lighted tent was sooo neat, and I loved the glow-in-the-dark egg hunt idea!! And you looked lovely and glowy in your Easter dress. :)
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