So why where them?
1. They don't usually hurt so bad. I think the extra weight and my larger feet had a lot to do with it. This pregnancy my feet have grown and I have all ready discarded 3 pairs of to small shoes.
2. It was cold outside. So I thought since these boot went up so high they would keep me warmer, at church. Yup. Maybe it worked I was to busy slipping and trying to walk on the ice worrying about that I did not focus on my cold legs. I did focus on how cold all over I was. And how the wind kept blowing my hair in my face making it just that much more difficult.
The week was pretty good. I felt good I had energy. Keeping with my goals I tried to stay away from the frump. The only days I wore sweats was when I wore them to the gym and they were cutely matched with Lilly shirts.
However this weekend is rough I am tired getting no sleep. I have been sick. I have not had much motivation to move and stuff is piling up. When I try to tackle it I through up. So I have been laying on the couch trying to feel better.
The other night the kids were in bed and I was waiting for Jay to come home so I watched a sermon from Joel Osteen. Does anyone else listen to him? Oblivious, if you see the size of his church. Wowzers! I want to make a point of going there. I want to bring my kids too. They have escalators and my boys love escalators. They have Starbucks and I love Starbucks.
The sermon that night was recorded in 2010 but it is not one that is time relevant, it is topic relevant. It was entitled Knowing God as Your Father.
Part 1 it is 15 quick minutes. It goes so fast and you can click the main link at the end for part two just over 13 minutes or watch it here.
The sermon is great and made me laugh quite a few times. That is why I am sharing it. But the sermon is not as important as what you take from it. As the title suggest it is about knowing God as more than God but to know him and having a relationship with him as your father.
He preached how God loves you like a good father loves his kids. Anything having to do with kids I am all ears. I ADORE mine. They are the light of my life, the best blessings, comedians, and a handful. But I still love them endlessly. I know and tell them that no matter how much I love you and it is more than you will ever understand (till you have kids of your own) that God and Jesus love you so much more. And that makes me smile. Because if I love them THAT much and it is only a tiny percent of how much God loves them then I love Him even more for loving all of us THAT much.
He elaborates on how God wants and desires this relationship with you. Just how you want the best for your kids, there is no detail to small for Him. He knows and cares about all of them. And when your children do something wrong you are not always proud of their action but you are always proud of them. God is of you too and he will show you mercy because you are his child. If you start looking at God as a father then when you make mistakes you wont run away from Him but call to God.
This sermon made me want to be a better parent. My kids deserve it. I want to be mother God wants me to be. I want to please my Father because he first loved me.
I loveee me some Joel :)
Take it easy Mama, no one expects you to be SuperWoman when your 29 weeks pregnant, let it all pile up and relax as much as possible.
I use to listen to Joel alot until my personal relationship with God got closer. He opened my eyes so that I can see when His truth is being twisted. He was on Larry King and it was not a pleasant view. I also stumbled on to this video I dont believe everything I see or read however when you draw close to God you can see through His eyes not the worlds. With that said I do not listen to Joel any more. I feel he is misleading followers. Here some clips from Larry King you can go to youtube and see more. Have a blessed night!
Look at you cutie!!!! I bet you looked HOT with your boots on too:)
I love Joel. Love him.
I hope you get some rest tonight. (((hugs)))
Hey! LOVE your blog and now that I'm your new "follower" I cant wait to see that baby girl in just a few months;)
Thanks for the comment! I actually get most of Hannah's clothes on ebay. I like brands such as Baby Lulu, Matilda Jane, Bailey Boys, Janie and Jack etc. I search for those brands and can usually find really great deals.
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