My children all ready had the day off of school today for a teacher inservice. The school district and surrounding ones did not have the day off but Friday instead when mine will be at school. I had a full day planned for the kids spanning two states with surprises, errands, and appointments. There dad did not get home till 8:30 this morning so I was also trying to keep them out of the house so he could sleep.
But as he was leaving for work last night it started snowing. Within an hour two of the local school districts had called for a two hour delay. Ugh this is going to make things tougher but still doable. I only snowed a little and had stopped before I went to sleep.
I woke up and there was not much accumulation.
Look at the top and the ledges it was tiny and it was raining, sort of. I checked the news and the school were still on a two hour delay so on with my many plans as normal. A few hours went by and we were going to get ready to leave and all the sudden the school started closing. Oh No! The roads had still not been touched and now were icy. There goes our plans. There is no leaving the house everything is closed and canceled. My long to do list of out of the home items will have to be pushed off. No special surprises for the boys. We are staying home.
Now this is what I had asked for, a snow day. But why did it come when there was so much to do? When I now have to keep the kids quiet in the house (impossible).
Awww you poor thing, I feel your pain trying to keep little ones quiet while the Husband sleeps, my Hubby works nights too! I hope you get to enjoy your snow day anyways, just relax that to do list can wait till later!
Yeah... tough task keeping little ones quiet.
But the snow truly is pretty! :) Make a snowball for me. :)
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