My husband asked me as he points out I write entirely to much on it.
And who cares?
Is the second question that he follows the first with. Well apparently I do. It is my whine. Until I am living in a sunny warm place I most likely will continue to write and whine about it. So here it goes again.
Burr. It is still cold here. This past weekend is always a cold one with hard weather for us. I remember because this weekend was Icefest.(More info in the next post) But to have a festival that celebrates winter and ice it has to be freezing.
I knew we had a chance of a little snow on Saturday but I was surprised to see it come on Friday. I bet the weather man was too. Still praying for him.
In fact if I would have know I would not have gone out. I started driving and brought my camera to take some pretty snow scape pictures. I did not find them. But I still clicked away.
I got to the gym a little before 9 and there was no snow. I attempted to park my car. I have got to be one of the worst car parkers in the world. And the worst part is I don't fix it I just leave it and think ugh.
Here I am a few feet from the covered curb. I usally am not this bad with the car. Now when I try to park our truck it is a multi spot diagonal mess. And we won't even get into parrell parking. Lets just say I love pulling up to a place that says valet.
After leaving the car parked as is. I went inside and started swimming. I looked out the window and it had started snowing. Wow it looked so pretty from inside. Big beautiful flakes covering the trees.
It wasn't sticking to the roads so I did not care.
After more than a hour was a difernt story. I grabbed my baby and went to leave it was starting to stick. Smiley thought it was so fun to walk with momma as snow flakes fell on us. His giggles were so cute. I buckled him in and cleaned the car, he watched.
Nice and warm.
The snow was comming down at a good rate we better be on our way.
I started slipping almost imediatly. The car was not handeling the slick roads. I called my husband and said don't worry we are okay and on our way home. He said why would I be worried? There was not laying snow at our house just a few flurries, but still I would appriacate more concern.
With the slick roads I was sure they were going to start sending the kids home early. And after a quick stop at McDonald's I was on my way home to get them.
As I continued to drive getting closer to my home we came into white out conditions.
Thank you Mr. weatherman. But we made it home safe to no real snow at all. The boys stayed in school and I took a nice warm nap.
Wow, I'm glad you got home safely! I live in warm weather so we never get snow. We drove in snow for the first time on vacation earlier this month and it was so scary for us!
I also wanted to mention that I noticed that he is improperly buckled into his car seat. His snowsuit ought not be on him to get the tightest and safest fit for his harness. Please don't take this the wrong way, I'm not trying to be mean. I'm just showing concern.
I find the snow pretty to look at but even though I've lived in a cold winter climate all my life I still hate going out in the winter.
Liz - good eye on the snowsuit in the carseat thing. Someone on my fb posted a link recently about the dangers of bulky coats in carseats. I'm so thankful people are willing to share what they know so I can do better for my children.
Thank God your safe & sound!
Stay in where it's warm girl-
I can't believe all that snow!!!
Those are such beautiful photos! I am so jealous over the snow. We don't get any here! :(
Like others have said, I too noticed the improper use of the carseat. The chest clip should not sit low like that on his stomach. It should be about even with his armpits so that in the event of a crash, the chest bones will take the brute of the force instead of easily damaged organs like the lungs, kidneys, stomach, etc. Thank you to those who pointed it out! It is nice to see other mothers out there looking out for each other & the safety of our children!
My DH and his extended family is from the Allentown area, and they're snowed under, too!
I usually just toss all my kids into the car, puffy jackets and all, then I turn on the car so I can get the heater going. Then I take off their coats, buckle them in, and put their fleece blankets over them. Works like a charm!
You are getting soo close to your due date!! I am getting excited for you.
We had 63 degree weather this weekend. I am SOO over snow (which is supposedly gonna be here Thursday) and ready for spring!
UGH! I'm glad you have the snow and not us! I'm sooo ready for Spring!
Be safe out there :)
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