We woke up to a frigid morning. But at least there was no snow or rain. The older two boys spent the night out at a friends so they were not home to celebrate. This was a big deal. I kept singing "happy happy birthday to you" and Smiley would scream no you can't sing that till my brothers are back. I kept singing when he was not around. She saw a pile of presents they were pink with pearls and crowns and said princess, she knew they were for her and would scream then too because she wanted them. With all the screaming I decided lets go get the boys and start celebrating.
She was all to excitied to go and knew the day was about here. We all kept calling her birthday princess, and by now she knows what a birthday is. It means cake and presents.
The kids love going out for Chinise food so we got our brothers back and headed over there.
She surprisingly did not eat that much. She is normally such a big eater and the biggest salad lover. If she sees that you have one she will scream and fuss till she get some. I think she was holding off for cake.
Evan was originally in this one too but he was making stupid faces so I cropped him out. The boys were happy to celebrate Faith's birthday but also wanted to be over playing with their friends. Trust me I know well after the hours of hearing about it.
Lunch was awesome. And you know what we had 3 diffrent people come up and tell us how good our kids were!!! They were the only kids there and the resturant was full of seniors and adults who went out and I am sure wanted to have a dinner in peace. In walks a family of 7 with 5 young kids. I bet they were thinking oh great. But even with Evan's faces they were complimenting us. Wow that never happens.
And before people had the chance to change their mind we went home for the cake.
Another birthday another cake, yes we are getting pretty sick of cake not to meantion the weight I had wanted to lose for Easter I have actually been gaining weight. Ugh March.
She is still into Dora so we had a buch of Dora themed things for her. She loved it.
I had asked them to add more pink and purple to the cake instead of Doras orange, yellow, blue and purple. I think I made a mistake. Oh well it was still a good cake and Faithy loved it.
Gracie especially loved it. She is impossible with real food nowdays. If she sees it she wants it and puts up a fight for it. And when it cokes to cake she is a monster. We gave her a piece she quickly ate it and then she climbed out of her high chair no surprise there, and got Faith's cake!
These two have been becoming playmates and it is so cute. Faith can't say Gracie yet so she calls her baby. Not only have they started playing but they started fighting and competing, I will write about it all soon.
She got so many nice presents. Thank you Grandparents.
I gave her a cd player that has been playing non stop. I am glad she like it but... I also got her a makeup set of her very own. She always want to wear my makeup and is fasinated with putting it on. I have put up the many pictures of her own attempts on her and her sister with marker. Now she has her own Dora set so we can do it together.
We have also been covered in stickers for the last day. She knows all their names it is so cute.
But she got a tea set from Mrs Ginny, Grandma, and we have tea partys all day long.
She love pouring and serving. She pretends to do it just like I make it. She calls it cuppy. I know she is trying to say coffee but it comes out in her baby voice cuppy.
Dad is not exempt from her cuppy parties too.
At Christmas I had got the girls a playhouse but there was much stuff then I held it back. I decided to give it to Faith for her birthday instead. It was a bear to build! But it was worth it. She is really enjoys it and it is the perfect place to play cuppy.
with baby
1 comment:
What a fabulous birthday for a fabulous girl! Loved the princess-ified Dora cake. :) And we have that exact tea set, and it makes for THE best tea parties. :) Happy two years of Faith!!!!!!
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