10 weeks
11 weeks
12 weeks
For the most part I would say it has been a pretty good pregnancy. I had my share of morning (all day) sickness mostly in the 3rd and 4th month. That was tough. I had more with this baby tan any other. But it has passed and been replace with an insatiable appetite. I eat so much and nothing healthy. I only want and crave junk food. I tried not buying it but then I bake it. The house has been filled with the best sweets. I have told the doctor about my sweet tooth and they said don't worry you will lose the weight. I don't want to gain it. My 5 year old Evan told me I am doing a good job keeping the baby fed.
13 weeks
14 weeks
I have had a hard time with the weight. I always gain a lot of weight with each pregnancy. I always loose it or most of it before becoming pregnant again. It is hard to watch myself gain weight. I know I need to and it has not stopped me from eating but I so very much wish I could make better decisions. This time I set a goal of 150 pounds as the top. I passed it. I knew I was headed that way though. With Thanksgiving dinner, high calorie treats, soda everyday and a little person in me I blew it and I still have 14 weeks to go.
I have been doing water aerobics as well with this one. Maybe it is helping slow the weight gain. I started in July and proudly have kept up with it. Four mornings a week I drag myself to the gym and jump in the pool. I don't enjoy it. I thought if you do something for a few weeks it becomes a habit, but not this. It is more like a ugh feeling. I hate defrosting the car to go to the pool. I will still continue with it though. I know have very beneficial exercise is to me and the baby. And the old ladies that are also in the class are the sweetest German things. I am by far the youngest and those old ladies, they can do circles around me.
15 weeks
16 weeks
Tired. I am so tired! I do not nearly get enough rest. A night away form the kids, the house, propped up on to many pillows at the Plaza is very much needed now. It is just not going to happen here.
17 weeks
Pain is there with this pregnancy too. Each month I have sharp debilitating pain that last for a few days. At first it would happen once a month but now is more frequent. It is a pain that stops everything. It completely over takes me and leaves me immobile, crying, and unable to do anything. I have gone to the ER a few times with it. I have talked to my regular doctor and baby doctor and no one can figure it out. I would love to know what is wrong so I can know how to prevent it. They all say wait to your pregnancy is over and either see if it stops or then we can run the right test on you.
Other growing pains are there too. I am often sore and very achey. Resting does help. I have found myself on the couch a lot with this one. I have watched a lot of holiday specials. I have many great ideas for things to do when I can move again. My last pregnancy was so tough on my body I was nervous to become pregnant again. I would often come home from work and cry because it hurt so bad. Thankfully and luckily that is not the case this time. I do have those bad days but most are normal.
18 weeks
The baby is growing and so am I. I do love to see the beautiful round belly that develops as I move along. Baby is 2 pounds now and bigger than a Barbie. The best part is feeling the little movements and kicks. I love it!. Sometime a bit painful but I will take that pain any day to know baby is okay. I constantly hold my belly for these little kicks are the thing I miss the most when I am not pregnant. But now my belly is getting big enough that I have a hard time holding my other babies on my lap.
19 weeks
Stress is up. Emotions are everywhere. My poor family they live with my jeckel and Hyde self right now.
Last month I found out I have placenta previa. Hearing that made me look into it quite a bit. I just have a partial previa which means the placenta connected low and is partially covering my cervix. The baby can not come out naturally like this. It will require a c section IF the placenta does not move. The doctors are pretty sure tht it will and I should be able to have it naturally. There is nothing wrong or harming baby with placenta previa. Nothing harming me either. I told friends about it and was surprised to hear how many of them have had this as well. In every case their placentas moved. Only one actually moved to cover it further and she did have a c section ending with a healthy happy baby and mom. I am not at all worried but this news was actually nice to hear because the doctor followed it with you will have to get some more ultrasounds done. Yeah! I get to see my precious baby a few more times before the birth. How wonderful and reassuring.
20 weeks
I did have a big ultrasound done at 20 weeks. I was so excited. At this one I was going to be able to find out the baby's sex. Every bit of me said it was a boy but my heart hoped for a girl. I went alone to the appointment. I was very disappointed my husband could not be there, that he would miss this. However I had a fantastic tech she was the best company. I told her I had 3 other children all boys 7 and under and she almost immediately she said those boys are to be welcoming a....
She scrolled across the bottom area and said I really think this one is a girl I don't see a turtle. I will keep looking further. And she did. I would not take probably a girl for an answer. I wanted 100%. It was not easy but we still never saw a penis. Finally through an internal ultrasound we got the 100% proof I was after. There clear and present was my answer IT'S A GIRL! I was so happy I cried. I was also as I still am in disbelief. A girl really a girl, finally some pink in our home. I was so excited, over the moon would not even be the beginning of the description of how happy I am/was. I think in many ways in will only be a complete reality once I am holding her.
21 weeks
22 weeks
23 weeks
I left from there to see my boys and told them they were having a sister. Happily the older ones told me how they have know it was a girl all along, followed by a bunch of I told you so's. They did know. I guess sibling have that inherit sense. They knew before I knew that was pregnant with Brendan. I had people congratulating me on a girl from the boys telling them that before this day, before it was proven.
24 weeks
25 weeks
Overall it has been a good pregnancy. Moving quickly to my March due date. We are all very much anticipating her arrival and joining us. We are all ready to spoil her unimaginable. I am worried about Smiley. He is my baby! Boy is he ever the greatest baby. I am worried about his potential jealousy but I figure he will be 22 months almost 23 when she arrives. By the time she does any thing more than just lay there he will used to her and hopefully wont be jealous but playful with her. If not he will be bigger and stronger a better fit to keep up with his big rough and tough brothers. But there is time and plenty of love to go around. I will pray and I am sure everything will work out fine.
26 weeks
26 weeks
How neat this blog was! Congrats on finding out about your sweet baby girl! Hope you continue to have a great pregnancy and hope that unknown pain goes away!
Yay! Babies girls are wonderful! I think it's a blessing to be able to parent both genders because they really are different. But then again, each child is different. Congratulations!
P.S.- I love to sew and make hairbows, so I would love to make a special gift for your newest addition! I'll make something special up in the next few weeks and will get your mailing address so I can send you something!
You look great. Just think, only a couple more months and you'll have your little girl!!! XOXO
Girls are SO MUCH FUN! Congrats :o)
p.s. I think you just need to add me to the list of blogs you follow to be an official "follower".
Love the weekly images!! I wish I had done that grrrr
{no going back now, lol}
Happy Holidays & you look great!
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